CLSA offers a diverse range of activities to suit your interests. We invite you to come hone your music skills, brush up on your Spanish, practice your brushstrokes in art class, discover something new at a general-interest talk, or boost your physical activity in a fitness class. There is always something new to learn!
Our catalogue is your go-to for all current activity information. If you don't see something offered here, your CLSA membership gives you access to 10+ other seniors centres' programming around the city.
Programs at CLSA

Art Classes
Cartooning for Fun
Chinese Painting with Felt Markers
Painting with Gouache
Petrykivka Ukrainian Painting

Dance Classes
Ballroom (Beginner and Intermediate)
Tap (Recreational and Performance)
Hula (Coconut, Hibiscus, Plumeria)
Cardio Rhythm
Retro Fitness
and Devices
One-on-One Computer/Smart Devices Tutorials.
EPL Workshops
Internet Safety and Privacy

Music Classes
Djembe Drum
Ukulele and Guitar Lessons (Group and Individual)
Piano Lessons (Individual)
Sing-a-long Social
How to Read Sheet Music

Language Classes
American Sign Language
French for Beginners
Spanish Club

General Interest
Book Club
Emergency Preparedness
Financial Management
Health and Wellness Presentations
Our Future: Big Ideas for Discussion
- Philosopher's Café
- Travel
Fitness Classes
When it comes to being fit and strong, age does not need to be a barrier! Staying active with regular movement can help you age well and maintain independence.
Which fitness program is right for you?
Follow these three steps to determine what your ability level may be.
Step 1: It is advisable to check with your doctor prior to taking any exercise program.
Step 2: Decide what it is you enjoy doing.
Step 3: Determine your ability level by answering the questions below.
In our Catalogue, workout intensity level will be indicated by the following letters:
Gentle (G)
Moderate (M)
Vigorous (V)
Specialty Programs (SP)
For a Quick Link to our Fitness Centre Page click here.
Have you been sedentary for the last few months?
Do you get breathless easily?
Do you lack joint flexibility and muscle strength?
Do you feel you are not ready for regular physical activity?
Gentle programs may include a cardio component of 15–25 minutes of aerobic exercises with no/limited floor exercises.
Classes Recommended for You
Better Balance and Strength (G-M)
Co-ed Gentle Move & Groove
ESSENTRICS® for Seniors (G)
Hall Walkers
Mindful Movements
Tai Chi – Yang Style (Level 1)
Tai Chi Practice (G-M)
Yoga: Gentle Hatha, Iyengar Stretch & Relax - Beginner (G)
Yoga for Joy
Gentle (G)
Moderate (M)
Have you participated in moderate level physical activities for the past few months?
Moderate activities will cause you to sweat and breathe harder. On a scale of 0–10 (with 10 being maximum effort and 0 being at rest), moderate activities are about 5–6. Moderate programs aim for 25–35 minutes of aerobic exercise and may include floor exercises.
Classes Recommended for You
Co-ed Keep Fit (M)
ESSENTRICS® Release, Re-balance & Restore (G-M)
ESSENTRICS® Stretch & Tone (M)
Fitness Fusion
Golden Gloves Fitness (M-V)
Retro Fitness
Strength Training (M-V)
Tai Chi - Yang Style: Level 2, 3, & Sabre
Yoga: Hatha
Iyengar Stretch and Relax – Intermediate
Have you been active for an extended period/months?
Do you have stamina for 30–40 minutes of cardio exercise with floor exercises?
Some programs may include interval training.
Classes Recommended for You
Cardio Rhythm (M – V)
Co-ed Keep Fit (V)
Golden Gloves Fitness (M-V)
Strength Training Progressive (V)
Strength Training Progressive
Yoga Iyengar Stretch and Relax – Intermediate (M)
Vigorous (V)
Classes Recommended for You
These programs are designed to meet individual, group and/or seasonal requests. Space is limited in some; register early.
Specialty Programs (SP)
Program Cancellation Policy
If it is necessary for CLSA to cancel a program, you will be notified prior to the program start date. In this situation, refunds or credits will be issued to your account. Courses may be cancelled due to low enrolment, extreme weather, instructor unavailability, and facility maintenance.